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Con Caramelo y Canela. With Caramel Sauce and Cinnamon.
Brownie de Chocolate Cubierto con Pan de Plátano con Frambuesa. Chocolate Brownie topped with Raspberry Banana Bread.
Plátanos Flameadas con Controy y Tequila, acompañados de Helado. Freshly Sliced Bananas Flambéed with Controy and Tequila, served with Ice-cream.
Crepa rellena de Cajeta, Bañada con Chocolate y Helado. Crepe stuffed with Caramel, Covered with Chocolate and Ice-cream.
Servido con Helado y Fresa. Served with Ice-cream and Strawberry.
Servido con Helado. Served with Ice-cream.
If there is something you would like but cannot find it on the menu, please let us know and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.